Building MedTech Business.

The Northern Netherlands has a strong MedTech sector however too many good MedTech ideas do not come through the early phase. Precisely because it is mainly in this phase that specific external knowledge and experience is needed to assess the potential and to make an inventory of what is needed to bring it to the market. For an idea owner it is impossible to map out these things independently and to have them in-house. An additional complication is that investors and industry almost always see too many risks in this early phase and increasingly adopt a wait-and-see attitude. As a result, idea owners often do not have the financial means to involve the necessary parties, expertise and/or experience.

AccelMed North offers the innovative solution for this. Parties involved, mainly companies, can use AccelMed North to fill the gap in available knowledge and expertise in the early phase. All necessary expertise is centrally organized and offered to idea owners with a good MedTech idea, in an accessible, sustainable and objective way.

An initiative and made possible by SNN EFRO & LIFE Cooperative